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INT. JENNIFER'S CAR - DAY Jennifer, in the driver's seat of her parked Mercedes, glances at the clock which reads 4:57. She checks her makeup in the visor mirror. The passenger door opens and Vince climbs in. He grins at her guilty look. VINCE: Don't worry. You're beautiful. JENNIFER: I got seven boxes! And at half the wholesale price. VINCE: Seriously? What did you have to do? JENNIFER: Not funny. I just picked the right guy. He's sitting on a massive supply which he can't unload. But the beauty is he's so off the radar, no one knows how much CBD he has. I could have bought more if I'd had the cash. VINCE: (after a longing stare) Okay, I shouldn't have made a pass, but you also didn't have to respond. (hands her a check) It's strictly business from now on. JENNIFER: A blank check? VINCE: Let's keep this going. For you, for Eve, for everyone. JENNIFER: Thanks, Vince. But we can't be creating a paper trail till I can figure out how to make this legit. (She laughs.) VINCE: What? What is it? JENNIFER: This is all pretty funny. Everything is upside-down. Now the stoners are out in the open and the medical marijuana people have to sneak around like criminals. (They share a sour laugh, then Vince looks at her fondly and places his hand on hers.) VINCE: I'm going to leave her, Jennifer. Just as soon as she...goes into remission. Total remission. Like you did. JENNIFER: (pats his hand) Vince. I know you don't love her like you need to love someone. We had some good times-- VINCE: Good times! We were in love. JENNIFER: Okay. Yeah. But you weren't being honest with me. VINCE: My God. Eve and I were separated at that time. I only went back to her after she got the...cancer... JENNIFER: I know. And you should be applauded for that, not punished. It's just...things are different now. It's not love. It's...nostalgia. Mixed with a little wanderlust. And God help me, I'm not going to be the cause of you leaving your wife. VINCE: (in agony) You're not. You're not. (Jennifer puts her finger on his lips to shush him. He pleads with his eyes, then nods acceptance.) Clear
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