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INT. DISPENSARY - DAY Hannah enters through the front door, sees Providence behind the front counter addressing Isaac, whose back is to Hannah. Hannah looks around, impressed by the colorful decorations. She approaches the jars of weed, grins and licks her lips but doesn't touch them. She sees Providence eyeing her, takes a deep breath and approaches the counter. Isaac sees Providence's gaze as she hands Isaac a bag. He accepts it and turns toward Hannah. HANNAH: Uh, hi guys. Cool. ISAAC: No, I'm not. I mean buying this. I work here. PROVIDENCE: Isaac here is like a conscientious objector, sort of. He delivers for us. HANNAH: Oh wow. You guys already have a delivery person. That's rad. PROVIDENCE: (as Hannah turns to go) Wait. You want to work here? HANNAH: Uh, sure. Why not? It's's a cool place. I love weed. I mean recreational. I smoke it all the time. I mean, not all the time, but I probably would 'cause it's so awesome. Plus, I have delivery experience. ISAAC: Really? Maybe you should be working here instead of me. I'm really bad at my job. PROVIDENCE: No, you're not! And you know you need this job. ISAAC: Well, yeah, okay. But listen! I have a few hundred dollars saved. And a car to sleep in. I just meant you don't have enough deliveries for two employees. You barely have enough for one. PROVIDENCE: (speechless for a moment, then--) Sure, we're a little slow this month, but that's only because Mo Joe...that's the owner...doesn't believe in advertising, or marketing, or running a business at all, really. But I do. HANNAH: Are you the manager or something? PROVIDENCE: Managing partner. Mo Joe is the silent partner. Or more kind of quiet. Anyway, we're working on a big promotional thing that's going to put The Smoking Caterpillar on the map. It's like a beauty contest except for guys too. could totally enter. HANNAH: Me? Thanks but I'm way too shy. PROVIDENCE: But not too shy to deliver. Who'd you deliver for? HANNAH: Me? Oh, they're not around anymore. Well, not really. PROVIDENCE: And you don't mind going into guys' houses that are like partying and stuff? (off Hannah's dissembling shrug) You don't have any experience with medical, do you? HANNAH: Huh? Oh no. Well, yes. I mean... Oh, medical. You mean like CBD. PROVIDENCE: Sure. That's one of the things I...we want to expand into. HANNAH: (excited) Really? Wait. Is this a trick question? (Providence gives her a quizzical look, then pulls out a job application form. Isaac watches with fascination.) Clear
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