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INTERCUT - INT. APARTMENT - DAY/EXT. PARK - DAY Lovely HANNAH, in an oversized T-shirt, sits on a couch, watching TV. The coffee table is littered with paraphernalia, plates with crumbs, empty beer bottles, etc. Cell phone to ear-- HANNAH: Wait. You want me to deliver to recreational users? (Jennifer, in sexy workout clothes, walks briskly down a path, Bluetooth in place.) JENNIFER: Why not? You're a recreational user. HANNAH: Yeah, but I'm not a creep. I mean, not like that. JENNIFER: Come on. Just for now, till I can get Mo Joe to let us use his license for our medical deliveries. Look. I'll pay you your regular wage on top of what he pays. (when Hannah hesitates, clearly tempted by the offer) Now just go down there, okay? I'll do the delivery today for you. And don't say anything about the medical yet. HANNAH: (preparing to take a hit) Okay, okay! JENNIFER: And don't get high... (as Hannah takes a hit) ...too high before you go. I want you to have a personality. HANNAH: (struggles to exhale quietly) Yeah, okay. I'll call you after. Clear
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